Open Data
Overview Link to heading
Within the framework of the project Foundations of Legal Data Science I am the first author and maintainer of 19 Open Access data sets, primarily text corpora with applications in the fields of law, political science and economics. My open access data repository with CERN can be accessed either via the convenient or through a direct link.
Open Access Data Sets Link to heading
I. International Law Link to heading
- Corpus of Resolutions: UN Security Council (CR-UNSC)
- Corpus of Decisions: International Court of Justice (CD-ICJ)
- Corpus of Decisions: Permanent Court of International Justice (CD-PCIJ)
- Collection of International Treaties and Legal Documents (CITLD)
II. German Law Link to heading
Federal Laws and Regulations Link to heading
Federal Constitutional Court Link to heading
- Corpus der Entscheidungen des Bundesverfassungsgerichts (CE-BVerfG)
- Corpus der amtlichen Entscheidungssammlung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts (C-BVerfGE)
- Corona-Rechtsprechung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts (BVerfG-Corona)
Federal Courts Link to heading
- Corpus der Entscheidungen des Bundesgerichtshofs (CE-BGH)
- Entscheidungen des Bundesgerichtshofs in Strafsachen aus dem 20. Jahrhundert (BGH-Strafsachen-20Jhd)
- Corpus der Entscheidungen des Bundesfinanzhofs (CE-BFH)
- Corpus der Entscheidungen des Bundesverwaltungsgerichts (CE-BVerwG)
- Corpus der Entscheidungen des Bundespatentgerichts (CE-BPatG)
- Corpus der Entscheidungen des Bundesarbeitsgerichts (CE-BAG)
Federal Parliament (Bundestag) Link to heading
- Corpus der Plenarprotokolle des Deutschen Bundestages (CPP-BT)
- Corpus der Drucksachen des Deutschen Bundestages (CDRS-BT)
Auxiliary Data Sets Link to heading
Example Data Collection Workflow Link to heading
Principles Link to heading
As a matter of principle it is my intent to publish open access all research data I produce, under the most open licenses possible. Ideally this is a CC0 public domain dedication, but copyright on raw data or agreements with data providers may force me to use less permissive licenses.
I further aim to be in full compliance with the FAIR Data Principles, i.e. my data is Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (Wilkinson et al 2016). This includes hosting data sets with FAIR-compliant repositories, ensuring the availability of unique identifiers, rich metadata, extensive documentation and clear licensing.
Data sets are long-term available via Zenodo, the scientific repository of the high-energy physics research organization CERN. Zenodo complies with FAIR Principles and Plan S. CERN further guarantees that research remains publicly available and securely stored ‘for as long as CERN exists’.
Each data set is identified with individual, long-term stable Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) that are resolvable as hyperlinks. Zenodo implements DOI Versioning. The overarching concept of each data set is identified with a Concept DOI, which always resolves to the latest version. Each individual version is further assigned a Version DOI, which only identifies a specific version. For exact citations and academic work I advise using the Version DOI, in all other cases the Concept DOI. The links to individual data sets below use the Concept DOI and will always redirect to the latest version.