There’s a new top-level section on my website: Teaching Materials on Legal Data Science

This page collects all the materials I’ve created to help people learn more about Legal Data Science. They include an introduction to Legal Data Science, tutorials, selected essays, ideas for advanced learners and some suggestions for teachers.

Legal Data Science is the application of computational statistical methods to the legal domain. In other words, it combines programming, statistics and domain expertise (Conway 2013).

All the materials I create are published under open licenses and I would be glad to see them used wherever they can help — whether for self-study, in class or anywhere else.

Make sure to begin with the tutorial How to Get Started with Legal Data Science if you are a lawyer and have no prior experience with data science.

As new tutorials, essays and other items are published I will add them to this page, sorted by topic. If you are looking for a chronological list, check out my blog for what is new.